‘The loveable rogue’: Meet Jeremy Rosens
With just his school bag on his back, a young Jeremy Rosens left his childhood home behind and headed to the park. His grand plan? To get a head start on life – at the ripe age of 10. Five hours and a truckload of worry from his family later, Jeremy returned home – realising the food he packed was nothing compared to his mum’s home cooking. But even his loving family and charmed upbringing couldn’t stop Jeremy’s rush to begin his life. And today, as Director of our St Kilda office, he’s still searching for new opportunities to grow and improve. We caught up with him for a chat over a coffee – and discovered exactly why that drive exists.

Home among the gum trees: A typical Australian upbringing
Jeremy was born and raised right here in southeast Melbourne. And he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
‘My parents divorced when I was one, so I lived with my mum and older brother in a maisonette on a big block of land,’ Jeremy explains.
And right next door? His aunty, uncle and cousin.
‘I have a really great relationship with my cousin, and the way we lived helped foster that,’ he continues. ‘We had a pitch in the backyard, so we’d always go outside to play cricket together.’
But it wasn’t just cricket. Whatever the sport of the season – footy, soccer, swimming – Jeremy and his family were right there.
‘I had a typical Australian upbringing,’ says Jeremy. ‘With a great education on top.’
A great classmate, a not-so-great student: Jeremy’s school career
Jeremy’s school career didn’t follow the typical script for success.
‘I wasn’t the most studious person,’ admits Jeremy. ‘I wasn’t a disruption in class – but I could always be relied on to do something stupid.
‘In fact, one of the teachers called me a loveable rogue.’
It was a phrase that stuck.
‘That comment always resonated with me,’ Jeremy explains. ‘Teachers loved and hated me at the same time. I learned early on that I could get away with most things as long as I didn’t push the boundaries too far.
‘And I’ve carried that lesson through to today!’ He confesses with a laugh.
But even with all the fun Jeremy had at school, it wasn’t always easy.
‘I envied people who knew what they wanted to be,’ says Jeremy. ‘I didn’t have a family business to go into, I wasn’t a great student, and I didn’t agree with the career counsellor’s suggestion: real estate.’ (Hello, irony.)
‘So when it came time to prepare for uni – I had no idea what to do.’
From setbacks to success: Heading to university
When 18-year-old Jeremy Rosens rang up to get his score after Year 12, expecting to have done alright, his actual score made his heart sink. And yes, maybe he swore at the message bank a little.
‘It wasn’t what I wanted,’ he remembers. ‘And I still didn’t even know what I wanted to do!’
On a whim, he took off to Victoria University to study business retail management. Making a whole new group of friends while he was at it.
‘I became quite close with one of the guys, and we started up STP (Standard Tuesday Procedure) – which involved going out for lunch every Tuesday at this place next door to a real estate agency.’
And as those real estate agents trickled into the cafe for their midday coffees in their nice suits, holding the keys to their nice cars, Jeremy couldn’t help but think, hmm, they look pretty cool.
So, one and a half years after enrolling at Victoria University, Jeremy decided to leave the institution and forge his own path. And that’s just what he did.
Family first: Jeremy’s favourite people
In 1998, Jeremy made another life-changing decision: he jumped on a plane to Thailand with a big group of friends.
And there at the same time? His future wife, Michy – as if it was fate. Literally.
‘We found out in Thailand she was actually named after my aunty,’ Jeremy shares. ‘Her parents met my aunty 20 years prior and just loved her name.
‘Michy – my wife – even ended up going to school with my cousin, Sonny!’
Fast forward to now, Jeremy and Michy share two kids – a 17-year-old son, Ryder, and a 14-year-old daughter, Indigo – and a dog, Pepsi.
‘My friends often remark that we’re like the typical ‘white picket fence’ family,’ Jeremy laughs. ‘Even though my picket fence is black!’
‘We love to go out for dinner together, we watch TV together, we all barrack for the Carlton Blues, we go on holidays together,’ he continues. ‘We just really enjoy each other’s company.’
And their number one rule? Family first – always. Even, and especially, before work.
Third time’s the charm: Jeremy’s early real estate career
Again – family has always been the priority for Jeremy. But that’s not to say he didn’t need to work incredibly hard in the early days of his career.
After a few false starts at different agencies, Jeremy found his stride – and received a call from his now-partner, Darren Krongold.
‘I’ve been seeing your name all over,’ Darren said. ‘You’re doing some great stuff; we’d love to have a chat with you.’
‘Thanks, but no thanks,’ was essentially Jeremy’s reply. Until he met with Gary and Phillip.
‘There was this instant feeling of, this place feels like home,’ Jeremy remembers. ‘And instantly, I knew that what I had done in real estate so far would pale in comparison to what I’d have the opportunity to do at Gary Peer.’
New kids on the block: Early days at Gary Peer
As Jeremy describes, he arrived at Gary Peer right as they were taking off. And they haven’t slowed down since.
‘I missed their hard toil early days, but I arrived during what I believe was the beginning of their upward trajectory,’ Jeremy shares. ‘They cared more because they could – and we still do now.’
And Jeremy’s start at the business was a similar story.
‘I came on as a salesperson, and it was really just about trying to get as many sales as possible to keep up with all our success,’ Jeremy recalls. ‘It was electric. There was a really young, motivational energy to the office.’
But it was more than an energy. Jeremy had real ambition, which continues to develop even now.
‘Back then, it was all about getting runs on the board – I had to earn my stripes,’ he continues. ‘Then, when I started to do well, it was all about earning an income and providing for my family.’
And Jeremy’s purpose today?
‘Helping the members of my team be successful, and finding joy in their growth.’
Which, as Director of our St Kilda office, Jeremy gets to experience every day.
Fake it ‘til you make it: The director’s cut
When Gary and Phillip first approached Jeremy about directing their St Kilda office – they didn’t get the reaction they expected.
‘I didn’t think I was ready for it,’ Jeremy admits. ‘Sometimes, even today, I still don’t think I’m ready for it – but someone did say fake it ‘til you make it!’
And has he made it?
‘I’m directing our office in St Kilda – the suburb that, in my opinion, puts Melbourne on the map. I’ve had clients cry about how I’ve changed their lives for the better after a sale. But I’m always looking for ways to improve – I never want to settle,’ Jeremy explains.
‘Although, when I look around at my team of good real estate agents – and even better people – I feel really proud of the environment we’ve created.’
But still, there’s more to life than real estate.
‘I’m a father, husband, son, brother, cousin, friend, human being – before a real estate agent,’ says Jeremy. ‘This job doesn’t define who I am.
‘But I love what I do.’